Road Fatalities: What Are the Common Causes?
Every day, people die in car accidents. Some are the result of drunk drivers, some are caused by reckless behavior, and others happen simply because someone was not paying attention. But what are the most common causes of road fatalities? And how can we prevent them? We will explore the most common causes of road fatalities and ways to prevent them.

1. Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol Or Drugs
One of the most common causes of road fatalities is driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This is because impairment decreases a driver's ability to drive safely. If you are going to drink, make sure to have a designated driver. And if you are taking medication, be sure to check with your doctor first to see if it will affect your driving. If you were a victim of someone else's negligence, consulting with the attorneys at Carpenter & Zuckerman can help you get the necessary information. For such an accident, you can receive compensation and justice.
2. Distracted Driving
Another leading cause of road fatalities is distracted driving. This can include anything from talking on the phone to eating to changing the radio station. It is important to keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road at all times. If you must do something that will take your attention away from driving, pull over to a safe area first. Additionally, never text and drive. It is against the law in many states and it is extremely dangerous. Driving while drowsy is also a major cause of accidents. If you are feeling tired, pull over to a safe area and take a nap or drink some coffee.
3. Speeding
Speeding is another major cause of road fatalities. When you are driving above the speed limit, you are more likely to lose control of your vehicle or be involved in an accident. And, if you are involved in an accident, the chances of severe injuries or death are much higher when speeding is a factor. Just remember to always drive the speed limit and to give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination. There is no need to rush!
4. Reckless Driving
Reckless driving, which can include anything from tailgating to road rage, is another leading cause of accidents and fatalities. If you are feeling angry or aggressive while driving, pull over to a safe area and take a few deep breaths before continuing. It is never worth putting yourself or others in danger because of road rage. Just remember to stay calm and be courteous to other drivers, even if they are not being courteous to you.
Road fatalities are caused due to many reasons some of them being human negligence like driving under influence, not following traffic rules, speeding, etc. Although these accidents are unpredictable and often unavoidable, by taking proper safety measures we can certainly minimize their chances of happening. And make sure to always have an attorney who you can call and consult with in case of an accident.