What To Do If You Break Down On The Most Beautiful US Roads
In theory, there should be no better place to break down than on one of the most beautiful roads in the US. You have an incredible view to raise your spirits as you try and get your car working again. However, the reality is that the most beautiful roads are generally the worst places to break down.

This is for a number of reasons. Many beautiful roads are also incredibly dangerous. For example, a road along a mountain cliff is gorgeous, but trying to get your car working on the shoulder while other cars squeeze past is no one’s idea of fun. Also, roads that are beautiful are generally far from manmade infrastructure. It is their very position in nature that makes them so coveted.
If you're going for a drive on a beautiful but dangerous road, chances are you're not breaking down because you’ve run out of gas. Not filling up in advance is a risk that, we hope, you're not shortsighted enough to take. But there are many other ways you may break down, especially if the road is not maintained all that well and has potholes and other hazards.
So, if you do find your car faltering on a long stretch of a beautiful, dangerous road, here are some of the steps you should take.
Pull over as far as possible
The moment you notice your car is starting to have issues, pull over as close to the safe side of the road as possible. Dangerous roads become especially dangerous when a car breaks down on the actual roadway, especially if it is a curvy road. You can technically push your car to the side, but doing so while cars speed past gets incredibly dangerous. If you're on your own, doing so is not an option.
You still may not have much space to work with, but the further off the road you get the more of an advantage you start with.
Call for help
On many beautiful roads, getting out of your car can be the most dangerous thing you do. If you can avoid this, you absolutely should. Hopefully, you have signal on your phone and can call the closest car mechanics possible. Alternatively, you can call your insurance if they cover roadside assistance. Getting assistance on these roads is not easy, but good insurance providers will be there for you or make a plan to help you regardless.
Take care of easy issues
You may not be able to get hold of someone to come help you, or they may simply be too far away for it to be plausible for you to wait. Some issues are far easier than others to take care of. Changing a tyre itself should not be too much of a challenge, although it may be dangerous if there is not much space between your car and passing cars. Do it if you absolutely have to. If there are other issues you have encountered before and know how to fix, you can take care of those too.
Of course you don’t want to leave your car behind in the middle of nowhere, especially if it is in danger of being hit by passing vehicles or at risk from adverse weather. But if you can’t fix it or get someone out to come help, you are not making your car any safer by sticking around. You are simply keeping yourself in the danger zone.
Hitchhiking is no one’s idea of an ideal way to end your beautiful drive. However, if there are cars going by, drivers may well be inclined to give you a ride. They will see someone in a very tough position, who is almost certainly not a risk to them, and empathise. Since the most beautiful roads tend to have known beginnings and ends, you'll probably find someone going in the direction best for you.
It will be hard to leave your car, especially if you have valuables within it. But if you have to do it, it’s better to go sooner rather than later. Otherwise, you could be waiting for hours in uncomfortable and dangerous conditions.
Breaking down on a beautiful road can be very scary. Make sure not to do anything rash. The above tips will help you get somewhere safer at the very least.