Emergency Supplies That Every Traveller Needs to Have In a Car
People plan trips all year, but nobody ever plans on having an emergency on the road. Nonetheless, these roadside emergencies still happen, and your preparedness can mean the difference between a minor setback or a major injury.

Thus, it’s important to prepare yourself for the worst possible scenarios so that you’re not just able to save your life, you might even be able to save your trip. So, what are the emergency supplies that every traveller needs to bring?
Navigational Items
One of the worst ways to get in trouble is by getting lost. You need to be able to determine where you are and where you’re headed in order to move in the right direction. Maps, a GPS, and a compass are the most basic navigational items that you need in order to get your bearings.
Communication and Documentation
It’s also important to be able to call for help when you need to. A cellphone is a must-have. Luckily the vast majority of people own at least one phone these days. A flashlight can also be used as a means of communication, and a disposable camera may come in handy in case you need to photograph an accident you’re involved in for insurance purposes. If you do end up stuck in the middle of nowhere, you can use a mirror to signal planes of your presence.
Car Maintenance and Repair
In case of a breakdown, you should have a spare tire, a jack, spare headlight bulbs, and jumper cables. It’s important to make sure that your items are complete before setting out. Roadside assistance may not always be available in your area.
Personal Safety
Always bring bottled water on your trips (at least enough to supply everyone in your group for 24 hours). Extra food, a first aid kit, a car fire extinguisher, basic camping gear, and a pair of gloves. If you’re passing through dangerous terrain, you might even need to bring a weapon with you. These are the items that will keep you safe from danger until help arrives.
Seasonal Items
Seasons change, and with them, so should the items in your emergency supply list. For example, during the winter, you’re going to need to bring a set of outdoor clothes to help you survive the brutal temperature drops. Survival candles and sleeping bags are also a must. Flares will also come in handy during the winter when there is limited visibility. Even your tires need to be adapted to winter.