Modern Car Safety Features That You Need To Check Out
Most readers probably already know the degree to which technology influences our daily lives and the way that we depend on technological advancements to improve our quality of life. These technological developments tend to greatly influence the designs of products that we use on a regular basis.

Smartphones, computers, and even cars are greatly influenced by the technology that is available at the time.
Now, whether you’re a tech geek or you’re a car enthusiast, you’re going to want to check these modern safety features the next time you’re looking to buy a new car.
5G Networks And IoT
The Internet of Things is technology that some of you may have heard of. It is, after all, plastered all throughout tech forums. The Internet of Things enables devices to communicate and interact with each other. But, coupled with 5G networks, these devices will be able to transfer data much quicker. Now, why does this matter even when it isn’t a safety feature per se? - It’s because this is the foundation for many of the subsequent safety features on this list.
Self-Driving Mode
It’s been revealed that the vast majority of car accidents can be attributed to human error. This, then, became the founding philosophy behind the development of self-driving cars. A self-driving mode is especially useful when a driver becomes too intoxicated to drive safely or it can also function as a precautionary measure that activates when the vehicle detects imminent danger and there is no response to that danger. This is especially useful during low-visibility conditions where a motorcycle and bicycle accident are more likely to happen.
Online Diagnostics
One of the more inconvenient aspects of car ownership that isn’t talked about often is that of diagnostics. That inconvenience stems from the vagueness that a dashboard light has. A “check engine” light only tells a driver that there’s something wrong with the car, but it fails to specify what exactly is wrong with the car. A car that’s connected to the internet can easily gather data that you can then send to your repair shop so that they can determine what exactly is wrong with your car. This is especially true when your car has a lot of modifications.
This also means that you’re going to get remote updates that contain important information such as PSAs regarding your particular model or recall information. This speedy information dissemination will also mean that there will be fewer recalled cars on the road.
Predictive Maintenance
This degree of connectivity will also help car owners take better care of their vehicle without the need to constantly check the car manual. Because modern cars are full of sensors, they can alert their owners to potential issues as well as call their attention to much-needed maintenance tasks such as changing oil, or repressuring the tires. These alerts will not only improve the durability of your car, but will also help car owners avoid accidents that stem from poor car maintenance.
Technology will always have a significant impact on our lives. The beauty of it lies in how something as intangible as a data connection can influence so many design changes in physical products. The influence of things such as the internet and artificial intelligence are the prime examples of this. The true value of staying up-to-date on these pieces of technology lies in the ability to make optimal use of these technologies when they become available. So, the next time you’re looking for a car, these are some of the features you might want to look for.