What to do After a Car Accident That's Not Your Fault
A car accident can be a disorienting and confusing experience for anybody, but if you make the right decisions afterwards, then you can mitigate the damage that it causes to you.

That damage can be economic, such as medical bills, repair bills, and lost wages. There can be non-economic damages as well, which include mental and emotional trauma caused by the accident, such as pain and suffering or the inability to participate in or enjoy activities that you could before the car accident.
The chances of receiving compensation increase if the car accident was not your fault, but they get even better when you hire an experienced personal injury lawyer to help you. That is because they will have the experience you need to negotiate with the insurance companies and make sure that they give you a fair settlement.
Assess Any Injuries
After any car accident— regardless of who caused it— the first thing you should do is to check if you or anyone in the car with you is injured. You should also check on the other driver and anyone in the car with them as well. If anyone, including yourself, appears to be seriously injured, then do not attempt to move them as that could make the situation worse. Instead, contact the authorities and let them deal with the situation.
Even if the accident is relatively minor and no one was seriously hurt, you should consider calling the police anyway. That is because they will write a police report that can come in handy later on if you need proof that the accident was not your fault.
Injuries sustained in a car accident can cause impairment that will negatively influence your work or your process of recovery. Getting an accident attorney will help you navigate through this process efficiently and get compensation through the right claims or disputes.
Take Records of the Scene
That means taking pictures of the damage to your vehicle and the general accident scene. You should also get the contact information of any witnesses who saw what happened since they can be useful in proving who was at fault. Be sure to get the contact information and insurance information of the other driver as well since you will need both when you file your claim.
Be Careful of What You Say
When speaking to the police or anyone else at the scene, stick to the facts and do not admit fault or make any apologies for what happened. It might be reflexive to say, “I’m sorry” after an accident whether or not you caused it, but that can harm you in the long run. That is because the other driver will tell their insurance company that you made that statement, which can lead to them playing hardball with your insurance settlement. In fact, you should try to avoid speaking with the other driver as much as possible and stick to getting their contact and insurance information.
Call Your Insurance Company
Even if the accident was not your fault, you should contact your insurance company and provide them with details of the accident. That is because the insurance company of the other driver may try to claim that you were the one who was actually at fault and that your insurance company should pay up. If your company has the details of the accident, then they can dispute that claim in your favor.
Seek Medical Attention
If it seems like you were uninjured in the car accident, then you should get medical attention nonetheless. That is because some injuries, like a concussion, can take time to manifest and you can address them early on before they have a chance to get worse. An early evaluation is also good for your insurance claim because you can include those medical expenses early on. If any injuries caused by the accident show up later and you try to include them in your claim, the other insurance company may try to claim that those injuries were not caused by the car accident. So get medical attention as soon as you can after the car accident.
Contact a Personal Injury Attorney
Before you file your insurance claim you should contact a personal injury attorney because they will give you the guidance that you need. They can negotiate with the insurance company to make sure that the compensation you get is fair. Insurance companies will always try to pay out as little as possible and your personal injury attorney will make sure that your settlement amount is enough to cover your accident-related expenses.
Your attorney will also help to gather and compile evidence to prove that the accident was not your fault. A personal injury attorney is also invaluable if the case ends up going to trial; fortunately, this is rare in personal injury cases and is unlikely to happen with you, but an attorney will be of great help if that possibility occurs.
Take the Right Steps and Get the Right Rewards
If you follow these steps after a car accident that was not your fault, then you will have a great chance of getting the compensation you need to take care of any expenses that arise because of it. Naturally you will be a little disoriented after the car accident, but if you take the time to calm down and collect your thoughts, then you should be able to follow the steps laid out above. They are all important for your safety and welfare so be sure to follow them carefully. And do not hesitate to contact a personal injury attorney when you can. They can make a big difference when it comes to the outcome of your case.