Avoiding a car crash - 5 tips to keep you safe on the road
Being involved in a car crash is a terrifying thought. Even just a small scrape, buff or bump can be enough to write off your vehicle, leave you injured and have you struggling to get your life back on track.

No one wants to be involved in an accident, but the truth is that even the most thoughtful and diligent of drivers can suffer at the hands of the negligent and poor driving skills of other motorists. If you’ve been in an accident and you’re looking for a car accident lawyer to get you the compensation and justice you need, click the link to start the process.
From the moment you turn the key, you can’t predict what’s going to happen on the road, and it can often feel like you’re at the mercy and the competence of your fellow drivers. However, you might not be able to control the abilities and attitudes of other drivers, but you can work on your own driving skills and take steps to ensure you’re less likely to be involved in an accident. Want to know more? Read on for 5 tips for avoiding a car crash and keeping safe on the road.
Distractions can kill
Keeping your eyes on the road at all times is crucial. Circumstances can change quickly whilst driving so being able to give the road your full attention should be your number one priority. So, if the kids are fighting in the back seat, rather than getting cross and stressed, pull over and wait for the issue to resolve itself. Turn down the music in your car if it’s distracting you from the road and ask your passengers to quieten down a little if their conversation is taking your attention away from what’s ahead.
Don’t drive if you’re tired
Very few of us are getting enough sleep these days. So, it’s important to consider your energy levels when you get behind the wheel. Tiredness can kill, so if you find your eyes drooping, you cannot remember the last few moments behind the wheel or your reactions are slower than normal, pull over and take a nap. Better still – get someone else to drive!
Never tailgate
We’ve all experience the frustration of being stuck behind a slow-moving vehicle. And while it's tempting to display your frustration by pulling up behind them, you're more likely to have an accident if they suddenly brake – and you'll be at fault. Always leave a 2-second gap.
Always check your blind spots
Modern technology has given us parking sensors and reversing cameras, and these are great driving aids. However, they should only be used as a guide and you should still be checking your blind spots and your mirrors when you're completing a maneuver.
Never assume
Despite your experience on the road, you're not a mind reader. And assuming that you know if a car is going to turn or stop is a sure-fire way to get yourself involved in a car crash. Always keep your distance and never assume!
Pic: Car vector created by freepik - www.freepik.com