Vehicles and driving
How they connect right drive roads to left drive roads at borders
Some countries in Africa, Asia and South America have land borders where drivers must change to the other side of the road. 66% of the world’s population lives in countries that drive on the right side of the road while the remaining 34% live in countries that drive on the left side.
5 Most Realistic Video Games For The Driving Enthusiast
Motorsport has been an inspiration for video games for decades, influencing everything from arcade-style franchises like Need For Speed to the various auto-themed slots.
How to choose my electric scooter
Electric scooters for adults are the best option for those with mobility problems to move autonomously, quickly and easily. With an electric scooter you can go for a walk or run errands independently, conveniently and comfortably.
The best 4×4 jeep for Off Road
Anyone who at least once has tried to buy used 4×4 jeep, also called off road jeep, will admit that it was indeed very exhausting and enduring process, despite of the fact that the offer is wide enough. Those who don’t have their own 4×4 jeep yet, but want to participate in off road adventures and buy an off road vehicle, are about to experience this exciting procedure! To ease this process at least a little, we will analyze here the offer of the available used off road jeeps and try to answer to the eternal question – “which is better?”
Why Am I Receiving Mail Regarding My Car Warranty?
Have you noticed an increase in the number of car warranty offers you've received in the mail? You're not alone. Many consumers have reported receiving postcards informing them that their automobile warranties are about to expire.
Survival Guide: Navigating the Most Treacherous Road Hazards
There are many different hazard types and learning what they are supplies a driver with a tool to drive safely. Road hazards are responsible for many motor vehicle accidents.
6 of the Most Badass Classic Cars You Can Find Today
When you think of cool cars, you probably think of those insanely contoured rides that the rich and famous drive, or maybe you picture the luxury vehicles like the Rolls-Royce where you hardly expect them to drive it at all. For some, those cars don’t represent the true meaning of what it is to feel the thrill of owning an automobile.
Where are the oldest roads in the world?
The oldest constructed roads discovered to date are in former Mesopotamia, now known as Iraq. These stone paved streets date back to about 4000 B.C. in the Mesopotamia cities of Ur and Babylon. The location in the land of the Sumerian people offered fertile soil and, with irrigation, crops and livestock were raised successfully.
A Deeper Dive Into The Most Common Problems With Range Rovers
If you're the proud owner of a Range Rover, you know that it's a car that commands attention. But with that attention often comes envy – and sometimes even resentment. After all, a Range Rover is expensive, and its owners are seen as being able to afford the best of the best.
5 Most Common Regulatory Street Signs
Some drivers feel that regulatory road signs are put in place simply to annoy them - perhaps to slow down their speed, or to prevent right turns on a red light. However, despite what you may think about regulatory road signs, they have all been put in place for your safety, and to help regulate traffic flow.
The Best Car Cover Materials
Car covers have gradually grown to become must-haves for every conscious car owner. Covers are extremely useful as they not only shield against the harsh sun rays but also safeguard from dust and other unwanted elements. It is crucial to choose a cover that is designed explicitly for your vehicle's make and model, as an ill-fitting cover may still leave gaps for the dust to sneak in.
Top 4 technologies capable of significantly reducing the number of road accidents
In a society that is changing so rapidly with each passing year, it doesn’t come as a surprise that various technological inventions are altering how we lead our daily lives. More and more innovations are being created to solve the common problems faced by the mankind.
Top Ten Most-Powerful Electric Motorbikes
Stereotypes die hard. But let this sink in for a second: Harley-Davidson, the company known for its ear-drum bursting “hogs” has declared its electric-powered LiveWire the most powerful bike it’s ever produced – the times they are a ‘changing.
The Main Reasons Why People Decide to Buy Classic Cars
Many people are under the impression that classic cars are impractical and too expensive to maintain. However, this is not always the case. There are many reasons why someone might want to buy a classic car, including nostalgia,style, or uniqueness, among other things. This article will discuss why people decide to buy classic cars.
State Route 99 Voted ‘Most Dangerous U.S. Road’
State Route 99 (SR-99) in California has been voted the most dangerous road in the U.S. Figures show that for every hundred miles, thirty four lives are lost.
Common Car Insurance Mistakes to Avoid
Every state has its own particular guidelines dictating car insurance and what type of coverage you need. For example, car insurance rules in Pennsylvania may differ from Florida, which may vary from California.
Comprehensive Guide to Automotive Manuals and Their Importance
In the realm of automotive knowledge, having access to reliable resources is essential for both enthusiasts and everyday drivers. The ability to find valuable information about vehicles enhances understanding and can lead to improved maintenance practices. It is vital to explore alternative means of gathering insights and operational techniques that extend beyond the conventional avenues.
Gathering Evidence Information After a Car Accident
In the event you find yourself in a car accident, you may not be thinking too clearly when it happens. At that time, you may have to concentrate on getting out of harm’s way to avoid further damage to your car or injuries to yourself and the other occupants of your car.
Missouri’s Most Accident-Prone Roads Revealed
Missouri’s Highway 63 is well-known for being the state’s most dangerous road, with an average of 15 fatal accidents occurring every year. But it’s not just Highway 63 that's particularly treacherous for drivers in Missouri, as the state is home to multiple other roads that cause endless accidents each year.
E-Bikes - The Vehicles of the Future
E-bikes are rapidly growing in popularity, with thousands and thousands being sold every year. However, this shouldn’t be considered too much of a threat to traditional bikes.
How Can American Companies Secure The Safety Of Their Drivers?
Company drivers are the backbone of many businesses. They transport goods and services to customers and help keep businesses running. It is therefore important for companies to take measures to ensure the safety of their drivers. This blog post will discuss some ways that companies can do this.
A Closer Look at the Different Vehicle Collision Causes and What You Could Do to Avoid Them
There are many different factors that can cause a vehicle collision. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at some of the most common causes and what you can do to avoid them. We will also discuss the consequences of a collision and what to do if you are involved in one.
California's Central Valley Has Some of the Worst Roads in the USA
Central Valley drivers might feel their heated complaints about all the potholes on local roads get ignored, but now they have some research to back them up.
The Perilous Link Between Addiction And Vehicular Accidents
Over the years, substance abuse has been among the greatest road safety problems. Whether it’s drugs or alcohol, there is definitely a perilous link between addiction and vehicular accidents. Yet, despite efforts by law enforcement to clamp down on DUIs, the problem still persists.
8 Things to Know About Lane Splitting
Riding a motorcycle is dangerous enough on its own, but then there are certain behaviors that riders might engage in that make it even riskier if they’re not experienced.
Highest Death Tolls Motorists Should Not Become a Part of
Speed thrills. We all know the next part. Most people who might argue on this would probably talk about how the thrill is worth it. Yes, it is. If you’re searching for dangerous roads and extreme adventure that pushes you the edge of your existence, you’re okay for the thrill.
Reasons for Accidents on the 5 Freeway in CA, OR, and WA
Interstate 5 is considered one of the most dangerous highways in the United States, with a fatality rate of 13.47 deaths per 100 miles. Between 150 and 200 people lose their lives in a 5 Freeway accident every year. What exactly makes this 1400 mile highway so dangerous?
Driving long distance? Here’s what you shouldn’t do
Are you planning a long-distance journey? Whether it's for work or for fun, driving for long periods can certainly take its toll unless you do some adequate planning first.
How To Stay Safe When Driving A Truck On A Dangerous Road of America
When driving a truck, safety is of the utmost importance. Trucks are larger and heavier than cars, and they can cause a lot of damage if they get into an accident.
Future Is Already Here: Innovations in Car Industry
The fast pace of development of contemporary technologies has already proven that people need to get used to innovations. The industry of automobiles is no exception to the rule. Even the Covid-19 pandemic has not stopped the car manufacturers from introducing their innovative solutions at the CES 2021 online exhibition.
Semi Truck vs Motorcycle Accident Advice
Safety should be the number one concern for motorcyclists whenever they hit the road. It is more important than arriving at your destination. Many bikers have realized this, and some have come up with initiatives to promote safety for bikers.
8 steps to build your own car
Boys will remain boys. It’s a cliché, but these things are based on truths. Although there is no expression for women that can serve as an equivalent, we can be pretty sure also girls stay girls when it comes to dreams.
Are Motorcycle Accidents Handled Differently Than Car Crashes in the USA? Find Out Here
Motorcycle accidents can be serious. In fact, they can often be more serious than car accidents. This is because motorcycles provide less protection than cars in the event of a crash. For this reason, it is important to know how motorcycle accidents are handled by the legal system. In this blog post, we will discuss how motorcycle accidents are different from car crashes and what you need to do if you are involved in a motorcycle accident.
What are the different types of car accidents?
Car accidents are an everyday hazard, every now and then we hear about some car accident on the highway or local city street. Well, car accidents can occur due to several factors such as the negligence of the driver, lack of attention, disregard for safety, or speeding.
4 Road Rage Examples and How to Avoid Them
If you’re a licensed driver, you’ve probably noticed that everyone has their own style when they’re out on the road. Some drivers follow all laws, including obeying the speed limit, signaling before they change lanes, etc. Others speed, tailgate, make unsafe turns and generally make the roads and highways dangerous.
The safest modes of transportation
While we absolutely love talking about the most dangerous roads to drive through in the world, we are also aware that not everyone is into that kind of adrenaline - some would rather opt for the safest ways to travel possible.
A Detailed Guide To Buying A Car That’ll Perfectly Suit You
Buying a car is a positive step but it can be challenging to get the ideal vehicle. However, this process should not be daunting as long as you take the necessary steps to research the model you want. Here is a detailed guide to buying a car that will perfectly suit you.
Is It Okay To Travel In Winter? Here Are the Pros And Cons
When most people think of a vacation, they think of a beach, a fruity drink with an umbrella in it, and more sun than you’ve ever seen ever in your life. It’s not very often you hear about somebody venturing out into the winter, especially when it’s brick cold and snowing.
How to move your motorcycle across the country? Tips & tricks!
If you are relocating to another state or country, whatever is the reason, bringing your motorcycle along can be a tough ordeal. You cannot just ride the bike and enjoy the painful journey to the new location miles away. But, taking your bike along is also important as it will help you commute easily and freely in the new city/ state.
Legal Pitfalls Drivers Should be Careful to Avoid Before Hitting the Streets of USA
Summer is in full swing, and that means more people hitting the roads for vacations and weekend getaways. While you're out there enjoying the sun and scenery, it's important to be aware of the legal pitfalls that can come with driving.
Most Common Injuries Sustained in a Car Accident
It’s not uncommon to experience pain after a minor car accident, even if you don’t appear to have any apparent injuries. The sheer force of the crash coupled with your adrenaline can mean that aches and pains present themselves in the hours and days afterward.
Each year nearly 1.3 million people die due to a road traffic collision
Road safety is increasingly becoming a major killer and a worldwide concern. Many people look at road safety as non-essential, but this is a major topic of accidents occurring every minute nowadays.
Right-Hand Drive vs. Left-Hand Drive: A Comparison of Driving Experiences
When it comes to driving, countries around the globe all have their own way of doing things. The split factor is whether a person drives left-hand or right-hand, and it causes a lot of confusion for travelers each holiday season. Each style has its own feel to it, and it is important to feel comfortable either way if you are going to be driving in the opposite way to which you are accustomed. This guide has a comparison of the driving experiences.
Post-Road Trip Car Maintenance Tips
You’ve just come back from an amazing trip on the road. You got to explore a new destination, spend quality time with loved ones, and get away from your daily routine. Coming back was bittersweet, of course. You’re fortunate to come back to a home and a job, but you dread the process of unpacking and getting back to everyday life. If you happened to take your personal vehicle on this journey, there are some things you want to do before driving again.
Avoiding a car crash - 5 tips to keep you safe on the road
Being involved in a car crash is a terrifying thought. Even just a small scrape, buff or bump can be enough to write off your vehicle, leave you injured and have you struggling to get your life back on track.
Where to Take the Car After an Accident and Collect Top Dollar for It
After owning a car for years, you may realize the need to buy another one after selling this model. Since cars degrade after a prolonged period, they also decrease in value, which is another reason to sell them at the earliest. If your car has been in an accident, you can no longer rely on it.
TOP 3 extreme roads in the USA
In the USA, people really carefully monitor the coverage on roads of any level, preventing accidents. However, this mainly concerns toll highways, while many free ones become heroes of anti-ratings in terms of the number of car accidents. For example, in 2018, the death rate on America's roads surpassed that of the entire previous decade.
Most Dangerous Roads In Florida
Florida is one of the most dangerous states in terms of vehicle accidents. This state has several highways and other roadways that are known for being challenging to drive due to high amounts of traffic, dangerous road conditions, or other reasons related to the specific roadway. In this article, we will explore some of the most dangerous roadways in Florida and how you can help prevent an auto accident.
Top 4 Benefits of Keep your Vehicle Well-Maintained
If you have been driving for a long period, you will likely encounter bad roads throughout your journey. From slippery roads during inclement weather, winding ways to structurally unsound roads, drivers passing by are prone to accidents. While most of our trip is on well-built roads, we cannot expect every route to possess the required infrastructure.
Why You Need A Catalytic Converter
Nearly all parts of your vehicle have an expected lifespan. For the catalytic converter, that is typically in the neighborhood of 100,000 miles or about eight to 10 years. When this critical unit begins to wear out, it is crucial to replace it promptly. Failure to do so can result in not only dirtier emissions, but also engine damage, engine failure and even a vehicle fire.
Dangerous Roads in Utah That You Should Be Aware Of
Each city or country is dangerous in its own way. If you find yourself in Utah, certain roads have a reputation for being particularly dangerous. There are some places to watch out for next time you are on the street. Some of them may surprise you.
Road trip - car safety you’ve forgotten
Car safety is something that our driving instructors mention time and time again. But just like anything in life, if we don’t recap the things we need to know, we start to forget them.
The 4 Most Important Steps You Must Make After Surviving A Car Accident
While any accident that results in physical harm can be traumatic, surviving a car crash can leave lasting, life-altering damage. Whether you are the driver of the car, a passenger in another vehicle, or a pedestrian, there are several steps you must take to keep your health and legal standing safe.
Tips and Tricks To Make Your Off-Road Trip A Success
Every adrenaline junkie has one item on their bucket list; Taking a weekend trip off-roading. Fun as offroading may sound, it also does have a major dark side to it.