Essential Apps for the Ultimate Road Trip
While road trips around the world are still packed with adventure and in some cases, danger, thanks to technology, they have become safer and a lot more organised. Mobile apps these days help us in different ways. For a traveller, they can prove to be lifesaving at times. Otherwise, they act as entertainment centres, making sure a road trip is full of fun and exciting events.

The last decade has seen travel being segregated into different genres. Thus, depending on whether you are going on a solo trip, a business meet, or a family vacation, your travel packing list will differ. The same is true when you head on out for a road trip. The ultimate adventure on the road requires a few particular types of apps that can help make your experience all the more comfortable.
Even if you are old fashioned and prefer to use paper maps, it doesn’t harm in having Google Maps on your phone, just in case, there is a problem. Moreover, make sure your GPS is on, so you and your loved ones are aware of your location. Another app to have and learn using is the good old compass. The entire idea of a road trip is to venture out and do things spontaneously. In foreign lands, it is easy to get lost, and having a compass can often prove to be helpful, especially if you cannot get an internet connection on your phone.
Driving for long hours can be tiring. Even if you are with friends or family, everyone requires a little time on their own, especially having being cramped in a small space for a while.
The spontaneity of a road trip is often lost if you plan it too much in advance. Having a hotel pre-booked is one way to limit your travel and take the joy away from driving on the open road. Hotel Tonight is thus the answer to all your worries. It lists hotels in your vicinity that have free last-minute rooms, available on a discount. Not only is this a great way to save money, but also keep your road trip authentic in its disposition.
One big issue that many first-time road-trippers worry about is finding a gas station. Although several location apps will have this information, installing a specialised app like Gas Buddy can be much more useful. Not only does the app have an abundance of information on gas stations, but also competitions for users where they can win free gas tokens.
You've reached your destination, so now what? Parking can be quite expensive and often finding a spot is torture. Apps such as ParkMe help solve this problem. By listing all the parking spots at your location and how much it costs to park there, it helps you save money. Easy to use and full of essential information it takes away the headache of finding a safe parking spot.