What Are the Best Ways to Stay Entertained on a Road Trip? Fun Ways to Pass the Time
If you find yourself bored on a road trip then you’ve probably not prepared well enough in the entertainment area. Fortunately, we know a few interesting options you can work with. Before we proceed however, it is important to note that you have to stay safe. Don’t drive if you are distracted. Any in-car entertainment should only be engaged in by your passengers. Your duty is to keep your eyes on the road and laugh!

Pick odd souvenirs
Most towns have some form of souvenir, so as you drive through those on your road trip path, try to pick the cheesiest souvenirs. To make things interesting, stage some small prize for picking the most bizarre souvenir. They make for good discussion when you return to the car as well.
Star Chart
If you are going to be on the road at night and you’d love some more knowledge of the stars, download the Star Chart app. The app is a must have for night trips. It offers an instant guide to the stars and helps you figure out constellations in real time.
Snack challenge
How much snack can you finish before getting to your destination? Don’t worry about calories; they don’t count on a road trip ;). Get everyone involved in the snack chugging contest and see who eats the most. Have enough liquid for everyone in the car and don’t go over the top!
Listen to Podcasts instead of Audiobooks
Audiobooks are great if everyone on the trip are in on the story. In many cases, they are not. That’s where podcasts come in. There are dozens of possible podcast options from those analysing events that made the news over the week to those that are purely banter based. Find a common ground podcast niche for everyone on your crew and load up before heading out on your trip. Of course you can listen on the go without downloading as long as you are sure of coverage over the trip.
Find roadside sideshows
If you have chosen an interesting road for your trip, you are sure to find a fair few eyebrow rasing roadside attractions on your way. Stop by and get as many pictures as you can. Time to have something else on your feed apart from your boring selfies!
Car Karaoke competition
You have probably gotten your mates to sing along to a song on a road trip before but did you introduce a competitive edge to it? The car karaoke competition is another quality in-car entertainment while out on the road. Simply have everyone sing to a tune and see who stays on tune and impresses the most. A prize at the end of the session always makes things interesting.
Cards against humanity
Conventional card games can be boring on road trips so why not get some cards against humanity on the trip? The rules are straightforward and the dirty humour could be all you need to stave off boredom. A note of warning though, it is vital to only take this advice if you are travelling with your friends. The grandparents or even your parents could fling the cards out the window the minute you bring them out!
SO there you have it… some ideas to stave off the boredom of a road trip. Anymore anyone?
Image credit: Depositphotos