Common Travel Insurance Myths Debunked

Planning a trip can be an exciting yet stressful time. You want to ensure everything goes smoothly so you can fully enjoy your vacation. One important consideration is whether to purchase travel insurance. Many myths and misconceptions surround travel insurance, leading some travellers to skip it entirely. However, travel insurance can provide invaluable protection if you run into problems on your trip. This article will debunk some common travel insurance myths to help you make an informed decision when planning your next holiday.

Common Travel Insurance Myths Debunked

Myth #1: Travel Insurance is Too Expensive

One of the most prevalent myths is that travel insurance costs too much, especially for shorter trips. In reality, travel insurance is quite affordable. For example, ACKO General Insurance offers comprehensive international travel insurance starting at just Rs. 10 per day*. When you consider that a policy can protect investments worth tens of thousands of rupees, such as flights and hotel bookings, the small upfront cost is worthwhile. The price varies based on the policy coverage, but even comprehensive policies with cancellation protection and emergency medical coverage remain reasonably priced.

Myth #2: It's Not Necessary for Domestic Trips

Some travellers believe that travel insurance is unnecessary since domestic trips within India stay close to home. But even domestic trips come with financial risks. Transportation delays, cancellations, lost baggage, and medical emergencies can occur during domestic travel. Travel insurance provides coverage for these interruptions. Emergency medical care at private hospitals is expensive, so having coverage for illnesses or injuries that arise during your trip is crucial. Don’t let the “domestic” label fool you into thinking you don’t need protection.

Myth #3: Credit Cards or Travel Agents Provide Enough Coverage

Many credit cards and travel agents provide basic trip protection benefits. However, this coverage has significant limitations and gaps. Credit card benefits typically only cover trip cancellation or delay, provide very low coverage amounts, and only apply when you book travel through the card. Travel agent protections also have low limits and don’t apply if you book only a portion of your trip through the agent. For comprehensive coverage, including emergency medical, lost baggage, and 24/7 travel assistance, it’s best to supplement credit card and travel agent protections with a full travel insurance policy.

Myth #4: Pre-Existing Medical Conditions Aren't Covered

Travellers with pre-existing medical conditions often assume they can’t get coverage, so they don’t even look into travel insurance. However, most policies provide medical coverage for pre-existing conditions like diabetes, hypertension, asthma, etc. You simply need to disclose your conditions when applying for the policy. Some exclusions apply for very recent illnesses or serious untreated conditions, but coverage is available for most travellers with proper disclosure.

Myth #5: Insurance is Useless if You Need to Cancel for Any Reason

Cancelling your trip for any unforeseen reason not listed in the policy is called "cancellation for any reason." Most policies don't include this benefit. But that doesn't mean insurance is useless if you have to cancel for reasons besides illness, injury or named exclusions. Policies cover cancellations due to medical emergencies, flight delays, lost passports, termination of employment, and more. You can even purchase optional "cancel for any reason" coverage on some policies for added protection (check with your insurer).


Travel insurance provides essential financial safeguards that can save you money and frustration if the unexpected occurs on your trip. Now that you know the common myths about travel insurance aren’t true, you can consider your coverage options with the proper facts. Being prepared with comprehensive travel insurance allows you to head off on your holiday with confidence and peace of mind.

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