How to Plan Meals for High-Altitude Hiking and Driving Escapades

Hiking is one of the most popular outdoor activities in the United States, with tens of millions hiking trails seeking adventure. It's also an effective workout, with long hikes burning thousands of calories. Proper food and meal planning is essential for a hiking trip.

How to Plan Meals for High-Altitude Hiking and Driving Escapades

High-protein food and energy bars are excellent additions to your plans, but you'll need more sustenance than beef jerky and Clif Bars. Assessing your diet for hiking can help you find the recipes and options your body will appreciate when exerting energy.

Meal planning with the proper resources is enjoyable, and you've found the perfect place to find tips for your trip. Continue reading to plan each high-calorie meal for your hiking trip today!

Pack the Proper Nutrients

Long hikes and backpacking trips will cause you to burn calories at an alarming rate. Bringing the proper nutrients to fuel your body and prevent dangerous situations is essential. The top options to pack include fruits and vegetables, carbs, and protein.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables will add weight to your pack, but they're an excellent way to inject flavor into your diet and are packed with essential nutrients. Having a fresh and "real" food item in your pack is wise when meal planning for your trip.


Carbohydrates act as a quick source of fuel when exerting energy. You'll want to stock up on snacks and high-calorie meals to give your body the fuel it needs. Look at options by HelloFresh to save time when preparing for your next adventure.


Hard cheese is an underrated addition to your mobile pantry when bringing protein for a grueling hike. It's flavorful and provides the protein your muscles need to meet the trail's demands. Cured meats are another excellent choice when meal planning for a hike or backpacking trip.

Consider Your Favorite Foods

Nothing hits the spot after a long day of hiking uphill like one of your favorite comfort meals. A warm, high-calorie meal will boost your morale and help your body keep up with what Mother Nature throws at you.

Hiking meal planning brings the extra challenge of accounting for weight. You want to avoid hauling heavy food items into the backcountry.

It's also worth considering the Leave No Trace principles since you'll need to haul all trash out with you. Freeze-dried meals are a fantastic remedy due to their light weight and nutritional value.

You can also prepare a high-protein food like fried rice with chicken at home. Bring the meal in your pack to supplement your diet for hiking.

Start Meal Planning for Your Next Trip

Planning is essential when looking for adventure, and food is a substantial part of that planning. When meal planning for a hike or backpacking adventure, ensure you pack plenty of high-protein food, energy bars, and fruits and veggies for nourishment. Find a lightweight, high-calorie meal to fuel your escapades and connect with Mother Nature.

Adventure is at the core of life experiences; planning your next trip is a step toward happiness. Check out our blog content for inspiration when planning your next hike or adventure today!