4 Things to Know About Pesach Vacations and Hotels
We all know that Pesach is a Jewish holiday celebrating the freedom from slavery. The majority of Jewish people assign this as the time of year when they take a vacation. They spend their time worshipping God, getting closer to their beliefs, and building stronger bonds with their family.

God spared the Jewish people, led them out of captivity, and took them to the Promised Land, Pesach vacations are week long events that allow the Jewish to remember just how good God has been to them.
The problem with a Pesach vacation is deciding whether or not the hotel and the restaurants are serving kosher food that is Passover friendly. While Passover is a time of celebration it is also a serious religious holiday with strict guidelines the worshippers must adhere to.
What makes a Kosher Hotel?
One of the major considerations while planning a Pesach vacation is whether the hotel or resort you will be staying at is kosher or not.
For a hotel to offer Pesach accommodations that are within keeping with the Jewish requirements for the holiday week they have to do a few special things.
1.They have to have a crew of inspectors who go through the hotel, the kitchen, the guest rooms, the spas, and all sections of the resort to make sure that all chametz is properly removed. The hotel can get a kashrut certification showing that they are in compliance with all rules regarding the preparation of food, foods to serve, and the removal of leavening agents from the premises.
2.The foods that are in the kitchen pantry must be certified as kosher for Passover. Oils and shortenings have to be made from pure vegetable products. Eggs must be carefully inspected for blood spots. There must be a Jewish person taking part in the preparation of the food or the meal will be considered not kosher. Foods prepared by completely non-Jewish kitchen staffs are called bishul akum. A Jewish individual must be present as part of the kitchen staff to keep the foods served kosher and acceptable.
3.The cooking utensils. For Passover the food has to be prepared in pots and pans that do not have remnants of chametz in them, or on them. Most kosher hotels make sure they are in complete compliance with this requirement by having crockery and dishes that have never had any chametz in them.
4.Sedarim – preparing the Seder on the first and second evening of Passover. The hotel has to make sure that the foods offered at the very important seder dinner are the ones that the Jewish people need to celebrate the occasion. Most hotels and resorts have a Rabbi come and teach them about what they need, inspect their menu and facilities, and then guide them through preparation, service, and cleaning up after the meal.
A resort or hotel that wants to provide Jewish people with destinations for their Pesach celebrations has to go through extra training, they have to have extra staff, and they have to be schooled by a Rabbi in the requirements their guests will have during the stay.
Fun, Entertainment, Educational Instruction
Most resorts and establishments that decide to host Passover friendly weeks take their obligations very seriously. The hotel managers and planners know the guest intend and want to have a fun time while on vacation, and they also know that guests want to observe the religious aspects of the holiday.
The majority of kosher resorts and hotels will offer special incentives like religious prayer services, religious teaching for all ages, workshops and day classes for children and teens, and a wide range in seder celebration options.
Passover vacations are also vacations. They are times away from work when people set out to enjoy themselves, do a few things they like to do, and spend time with loved ones in locations that offer no stress and nothing but fun. The hotels and resorts that encourage stays by people celebrating this holiday offer fun entertainment, swimming, and other activities that will give you something to do, and something to remember.
The best parts of life are not the moments of glory or accomplishment. They are the moments we share with loved ones, the moments that we spend enjoying the beauty of the world, and the gifts we have received from God. The Pesach friendly resorts and hotels know this and they help their guests find activities that will create beautiful lasting memories of their vacation.
Final Thought
Pesach vacations and kosher hotels are just a portion of the Jewish celebration. To embrace everything about the holiday and have the best experience ever you have to see the destinations and see how different cultures of people celebrate the same religious holiday.
This is your time to shine. This is your time to give glory to God, and to create a lasting memory for your family.