12 Roads That Go On and On: The Longest Drives Around the World
Explore the vast expanse of the world's longest highways with us. The Pan-American Highway secures its place in the Guinness Book of World Records, covering an impressive 29,800 miles from the frosty Prudhoe Bay in North Alaska to the southern tip of Argentina, Ushuaia. While the United States takes pride in hosting some of the planet's longest highways, the adventure doesn't stop there.

Join us as we unveil a comprehensive list of the world's most extensive roadways, stretching far beyond the horizon. There's a world of discovery waiting...
Rank | Name | Country | Length (km) |
1 | Pan American Highway | Several | 30,000 |
2 | Highway 1 | Australia | 14,500 |
3 | Trans-Siberian Highway | Several | 11,000 |
4 | G219 | China | 10.000 |
5 | WE-WC Highway | Several | 8,445 |
6 | Trans-Canada Highway | Canada | 8,000 |
7 | Golden Quadrilateral Hway | India | 5,846 |
8 | China National Hway 010 | China | 5,700 |
9 | G318 | China | 5.476 |
10 | US Route 20 | USA | 5,415 |
11 | US Route 6 | USA | 5,158 |
12 | Interstate 90 (I-90) | USA | 4,860 |