Moving Across the Country: Tips To Help the Process Go Smoothly

Moving across the country can be exciting. You're trading in your old scenery for some new views. You get to experience new things and meet fascinating people who may even turn into lifelong friends.

Moving Across the Country: Tips To Help the Process Go Smoothly

As exciting as it can be, moving can also be stressful—even small moves cross-country will take some planning.  Before you toss your belongings in your vehicle or hire professionals, you can take some steps to help ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible. After all, you want to be able to enjoy your new location instead of worrying about the move.

Tips for a Smooth Small Cross-Country Move

You can always grab a few essentials and hit the road. For some individuals, this option fits their lifestyle perfectly. However, you probably own more than will fit in a box or suitcase and you don’t want to leave anything behind.

If you’re getting ready to embark on a cross-country move, the following tips can help simplify the process for you.

Have a Plan

Pretty much everything goes better when you have a plan and this includes a cross-country move. Your plan should also act as a checklist to help ensure you’re not forgetting any crucial details.

So, what should you include in your plan? A good place to start is deciding if you’re hiring professional movers or handling everything without help. While hiring movers can be costly, since it’s a small move you can keep prices down. In other words, working with professionals may not be as expensive as you think.

Don’t forget about things like changing your address, since you still want to receive your mail. You need to notify your bank of the upcoming address change and don’t forget about the utility companies. Most utility providers need some advance notice to ensure your lights and water are on. You also need to give your old utility providers a disconnection date. This way you’re not paying for utilities at both your old and new address.

Your plan should also be able to adjust to delays and other issues that can pop up during a cross-country move. For example, what will you do if the movers are late delivering your items? What about if the utilities aren’t on? Having a backup plan to address these issues can help relieve some of the stress associated with a cross-country move.

Get Rid of Some Stuff

A small move means you’re not taking everything you may own, instead you’re only packing a few boxes. Your small move may even include a few small pieces of furniture but you’re leaving the big stuff behind. So, what are you supposed to do with the stuff you’re not taking? Guess what, your unwanted belongings may help cover some or all of your moving costs.

A small move is the perfect time to start decluttering and hold a yard sale. Put up a few signs around the neighborhood advertising your sale, you want to attract as much attention as possible. You can even get creative with your signage. The goal is to make people want to see what you’re selling. You’re probably going to need a few tables, you don’t want everything you’re selling on the ground.

When it comes to pricing, don’t go overboard. You want to keep your prices ridiculously low. Remember, this is a yard sale and not retail shopping.

Chances are, even after the sale you’re still going to have some stuff left over. You can donate any usable items to a local charity. Did you know your donations can be a tax write-off? What you can’t donate will probably end up in the trash. Between the profits from the yard sale and your potential tax write-off, your moving costs may be covered.

Pack Clothing Efficiently

Yes, it’s a pain taking everything off the hanger and then reversing the process at your new home. However, your clothing can take up a ton of space that can be used to transport other items.

To save space, try rolling and folding everything. You may have some wrinkles by the time you start unpacking but at least you’re not paying for an extra box. You can also use clothing as packing materials.

Bedding also works great as packing material and it can also save you money. You may not need to purchase additional packing supplies like bubble wrap.

Label Every Box

Even a small move can have multiple boxes and you don’t want to unpack everything when all you need is your toothbrush. A good tip is to pack one room at a time, as this can help you stay organized.

After filling a box, grab a permanent marker. You can label boxes by the room or contents—this way you know which box holds your toothbrush without spending your first night in your new home rummaging through all of your belongings.

If a box contains fragile items, label it accordingly. You may also want to mark which side is up or down. You can even include a list of everything inside the box. This isn’t necessary but it can help with organization.

Research Your Moving Company for a Smooth Cross-Country Move

If you’re planning on using a moving company, you’re taking a lot of stress off of yourself. Professional movers can even handle packing and unpacking, though this service isn’t free. Even if the movers are only transporting your belongings across the country, it’s still a good idea to do some research.

The U.S. Department of Transportation requires all professional moving companies to have a license number. If the moving company is registered with the Department of Transportation, it’s a good idea to look for another service provider. Check the company’s reviews and their Better Business Bureau (BBB) rating. You may also want to get some references from friends or family who’ve recently moved.

Doing your homework helps ensure you’re working with a reputable moving company. Regardless of whether you’re tackling the small move on your own or with help from a moving company, hopefully, these tips will help everything go smoothly from start to finish.
Image credit: Depositphotos