Why You Should Purchase a Car Abroad (And How To Do It Safely)
When done correctly, purchasing a car abroad can cut the costs almost in half. The wide range of models that can be found in many European countries give you lots of options without limiting you to the local brands. In addition, most of them come in near flawless conditions so that you won't have to worry about an expensive repair right as you buy them.

Arguably the largest money savings are related to taxes. However, even though you might avoid them during the initial purchase, the sales tax after you enter the country is most likely going to be mandatory. To reduce the additional costs as much as possible, make sure that the car doesn't require any further modifications. Also, pick countries that have favourable weather conditions so that the car chassis remains as undamaged as possible.
If you decide to buy a car abroad, there are some things that you have to keep in mind. The following six tips can help keep the process as smooth as possible.
Guidelines For a Safe Purchase
- Decide Whether You Want An Importer
If you're buying a car on your own, you'll have to figure out how to transfer the car back into your country. This means dealing with all the necessary paperwork, customs and air transport. Fortunately, some sellers offer significant discounts on airfares, as well as hotel bookings if they're deemed necessary. Still, there's a lot of things that you have to keep in mind if you decide to go alone.
Licensed vehicle importers can help deal with all tedious things for you. Since they already have certain connections, you're more likely going to save money in the long run and have certain discounts that otherwise wouldn't be possible. It's always a better choice to hire an importer, especially if you're inexperienced.
- Choose the Car
Before deciding on a vehicle, compare the prices in your own country if they're available. Check the car's condition in the pictures - even if there's a slight detail that seems suspicious, don't hesitate to contact the owner. The handedness of road traffic in the country is also a major factor since this tiny difference can cost you a lot. Finally, don't settle until you're completely certain that it's the car that you truly want.
- Pick a Vehicle Importer
Ideally, the chosen importer should have prior experience in the country of your choice. Someone influential and reputable in the market will be able to cut you the best deals, especially if they've been working in the industry for a long time. Check the reviews of past customers, contact the importer with your expectations and see what they can provide.
- Check the Importer
Purchasing a car is a major expense, and you have to be certain that you've chosen the right service to accompany you. The importers always leave a contact phone number, which can be used for the purpose of reverse phone lookup.
- Take Note of Major Costs
The biggest potential expense is usually tied to transportation costs. If you don't plan this before the purchase, you may find yourself spending a lot more money than you initially wanted to. In some cases, having an importer can also come with a transport fee. Another possible major cost can occur if you purchase a car with the steering wheel on the right side for LHD traffic. This massive modification can, in some cases, cost more than the car itself.
- Select a Proper Country
The best country to buy a car from are those with massive production. Germany, with over five million manufactured vehicles, is the leader in Europe and one of the best choices. If you're purchasing a new car, it's also vital to consider all the taxes that you'll have to pay. Aside from all that, keeping an eye out on the currency exchange value of the chosen country can save you a lot of money. Ultimately, the proper country is the one where you manage to find a car that suits you.