The steep (20%) unpaved road to Bosua Pass in Namibia

Bosua Pass is a high mountain pass at an elevation of 1.728m (5,669ft) above sea level, located in the Khomas region of Namibia. It’s one of the highest roads of the country.

Bosua Pass

Is Bosua Pass unpaved?

The road to the summit, also known as Boshua Pass, is mostly unpaved. It’s called C28 road. It’s said to be one of the less traveled roads in the world: less than 10 cars use it every day.

How long is Bosua Pass?

The road is 315 km (195 miles) long, running east-west from Windhoek (the capital and largest city of the Republic of Namibia, in the central part of the country) to Swakopmund, (a city on the coast of western Namibia, capital of the Erongo administrative district). It is the shortest (not quickest) route between both cities.

Is Bosua Pass in Namibia challenging?

Set high on the central part of the country, the road features big dips, turns, sand pools, and sometimes smooth points. Parts have big potholes and deep ruts. The road is not suitable for trailers or caravans. It’s one of Namibia's steepest routes, reaching a gradient of 1:5 or 20% slope as it descends onto the Namib plains.

Can I drive my vehicle to Bosua Pass in Namibia?

You should not try to do it with a car that does not have decent tires and brakes. A sturdy 4×4 is required.
Pic: Alexander Kruck